Palgrave United Community Kitchen

is a Peel Health certified Kitchen operated by Palgrave United Church. This fully equipped kitchen is available for rent by organizations and individuals.

What is a Certified Kitchen?

A certified kitchen is one that meets public health standards.  A certified kitchen must be used to cook items that are to be sold to the public. These kitchens are inspected and must meet health guidelines. For those people who wish to start a baking or cooking business, renting this kitchen would allow them to sell their goodies.

Renting the Kitchen

*Palgrave Community Kitchen is a Peel Health certified kitchen available for rent by groups, clubs and individuals.

2025 Rental fees:
$32 per hour   (Not for profit rate – $30 per hour)  

The kitchen comes equipped with all the necessities for cooking and baking! Some of the items include pots, pans, baking trays, measuring cups & utensils, coffee makers, 2 stoves,  2 ovens, industrial dishwasher, industrial sinks, large bowls, scissors, cutting boards, large knives, utensils, etc.  Small appliances:  2 food processors, 2 stand mixers,  2 hand mixers.

A commercial convection oven is available.


Kitchen Rental

Find out more about renting the Palgrave Community Kitchen for your event or business.

Through programs, events and community connections, Palgrave United Community Kitchen is committed to the creation of a healthy, sustainable local food system.

Local Food

Palgrave United Community Kitchen supports the local food system by purchasing seasonal food for cooking and events. 

Palgrave United Community Kitchen partners with Albion Hills Community Farm by visiting AHCF with campers from our summer Dirt2Delicious camp.   Campers experience direct connections to their food system – from Dirt to Delicious!

Palgrave United Community Kitchen endorsed the Headwaters FOOD CHARTER and ACTION PLAN by showing support for its “vision, values and goals”. HFFA VISION: The Headwaters Food and Farming Alliance (HFFA) envisions a food system that is productive, sustainable, transparent, and fair; supports the health and well-being of our residents and food providers; and contributes to the prosperous and equitable economy.

Palgrave United Community Kitchen supports the PEEL FOOD CHARTER. The Peel Food Charter is a living document developed through input from the community to reflect a collective vision of a just, sustainable and secure food system, for now and the future. It serves as a guide for practices, policies and priorities in achieving food security to ensure we meet the needs and reflect the diversity of all who live and work in Peel.

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